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regular coffee中文是什么意思

用"regular coffee"造句"regular coffee"怎么读"regular coffee" in a sentence


  • 招牌咖啡


  • “ i ' d like a cup of regular coffee , please
    (请给我来杯无咖啡因的咖啡。 )
  • And it can give a boost to those who aren ' t regular coffee drinkers
  • The show goes through 32 pots of regular coffee on show day and over 100 cases of water a week
  • The show goes through 32 pots of regular coffee on show day and over 100 cases of water a week
  • Men who drank four or more cups of regular coffee each day had a 45 percent lower risk
    每天喝四杯或四杯以上咖啡比不喝咖啡的男子得胆结石的可能性低45 % 。
  • The researchers found that men who drank regular coffee containing caffeine had a lower risk of gallstone disease
  • Another investigation published in 2005 found that people who consumed decaffeinated coffee had higher levels of certain cholesterols in their blood than those who consumed regular coffee
  • She was at her regular coffee shop early in the morning discussing the article with a lawyer friend when one of the break fast regulars she knew only casually came up to her and said , “ i was there , i was the first one at the wreck that night
    一大早她就出现在经常光顾的咖啡吧里和一个律师朋友讨论条款,这时她偶尔认识的早餐常客走了过来对她说道“那天我在那儿,那晚我是第一个到达事故现场的人。 ”
用"regular coffee"造句  


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